the soul calling


with Teja & Jeran
Meet Your Hosts

HEY– We’re Teja & Jeran, hosts of Soul Calling Podcast

I do a lot of this and a bit of that, and I’m passionate about helping people with this. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, a sed quis.

Since 2019, lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consect etur e adipiscing elit. Sed quis magna eget & massa blandit luctus. Morbi velit erat, ultrices vitae nulla ut, rutrum e mentum eros. In et tempor sem mar.

Aliquam sagittis erat velit, eu euismod velit auctor mattis. Sed blandit suscipit fringilla. Suspendisse consent, magna ac elit aliquam hendrerit. Etiam morbi fermentum pell sem mar ipsum.

The Soul Calling Podcast broadcasts soul inspiring conversations with Teja and her guests, designed to activate your own journey of answering your soul’s calling.

Hear about current energies and what is happening on a greater level. Understand your relationships. Find your passions. Breakthrough from any restrains. Understand about alignment when it comes to business, and much, much more!

Each episode is packed with transformational and soul-awakening materials, that are guaranteed to spark up your passions and elevate you to a new level!

The Soul Calling ™ podcast is your
new go-to weekly hour of inspiration, guidance and empowerment!
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Want to be a guest on the podcast?

get in touch with us