join teja wood & deidre wilton for an unforgettable 8-day adventure

Ascended Masters & Soul Purpose Retreat

9th – 16th November 2024 – Bali, indonesia

2 Teachers – 8 Nights – Deep Soul Transformation

Join us for an amazing spiritual adventure, where Deidre Wilton from Star-Wise Astrology and Teja Wood from Soul, will take you on a journey of exploration of your soul’s true purpose in this lifetime. 

Many of Us Have Chosen to Be Born Into This Particular Time, With the Unique Purpose of Raising the Spiritual Frequency of the World. However,  This World Is a Very Intense Place and a Lot of People Lose Clarity About Why They Have Come to This World in the First Place.

Many of us have chosen to be born into this particular time, with the unique purpose of raising the spiritual frequency of the world. However,  this world is a very intense place and a lot of people lose clarity about why they have come to this planet in the first place.

The demands of modern-day living, the fear propaganda that we witness on every corner, Society’s programming, mass media hypnosis and much more is designed to disconnect us from what we know to be true on the deepest level. 

As a result, we end up feeling confused about what steps to take in life. This lack of clarity manifests as delusion, insecurity, procrastination, apathy and often a complete lack of self-worth and self-love.  And we then find ourselves making choices that are at best, unhealthy compromises. These choices often lead us away from our true purpose and then one day we realize the life we are living is not our life at all.

Why Is It Then, That So Many People Are Failing to Follow This One Simple Truth?

It all comes down to unresolved karmic issues, past life patterns, childhood traumas and society’s conditioning. People’s lives are entangled in these unresolved past patterns, and unless addressed, they can completely take over a soul’s destiny.

If you are ready to change the course of your life – and step into your true purpose – you have come to the right place! 

We have created the Soul Purpose Retreat for those who are willing to go on a profound journey of clearing and releasing the old, so a new path of clarity, soul-alignment and abundance can manifest in their life. 

In Our 7 Day Journey Together, You Will Get the Chance To:

  • get clear insights into the past life energy you have brought forward into this lifetime
  • understand the lessons of your past lives and the assignment in this lifetime
  • see your past life energy through astrology
  • address any unresolved childhood issues and limiting core beliefs allowing deep inner healing
  • understand the difference between the voice of your ego and the voice of your intuition
  • gain clarity on where your intuition is guiding you
  • experience powerful channelled sessions by the Ascended Masters as well as reconnect with your personal     Dragon and the Dragon Fae
  • receive intuitive individual readings into your true purpose in this lifetime
  • receive guidance from your guides about any matter in your life

Included in the Soul Purpose Retreat are:

  • 7 nights at the stunning Sarinbuana Eco-Loge  (
  • 3 delicious fully catered vegetarian meals each day
  • 2 incredible Balinese water ceremonies at a sacred Temple near our lodge 
  • A Flower Mandala Workshop
  • understand the difference between the voice of your ego and the voice of your intuition
  • Return transport between the airport and the Loge 
  • 8 days of life-changing teachings and healings
once-in-a-lifetime opportunity

Payment options

About Your Mentors

Teja Wood

Teja Wood is a founder of Soul Calling Academy, an online platform of ancient wisdom for modern times. The academy is a meeting point for many like-minded people from all over the world, seeking the path of spiritual empowerment and deeper soul alignment.

Teja has worked with thousands of people over the last 20+ years, helping them navigate their sacred journeys. She has co-founded Soul Calling Academy with her partner Jeran Meah. Together, they create transformational materials, certification courses and retreats around the world, with a shared vision to support awakening of the higher consciousness of humanity.

Teja is also a mum to a cheeky 8-year old boy and a spoodle name Ruby. Originally from Slovenia (Europe), now she resides in Australia by the ocean with her family.

deidre wilton

My name is Deidre Wilton and I am an Esoteric Astrologer, Clairvoyant and Metaphysical Teacher, based near Wellington, New Zealand.  For the last 20 years I have travelled regularly to national and international destinations to teach Esoteric Astrology and Metaphysical Workshops and Courses, and also to give Personal Esoteric Astrology Readings. 

As an Esoteric Astrologer. I study your soul’s journey and I believe that through the interpretation of your Natal or Birth Chart we can see your soul’s purpose in this lifetime.Your Astrology is the Blue Print of your life and within it are all the answers you are seeking on your soul’s journey.

When I am at home, I continue my Personal Readings and Teaching via Zoom, in person or over the phone, and now have an extensive range of clients both in New Zealand and all over the world.

Ready To Join Us?