Lemurian Healing Circles

with teja wood

You are warmly invited to join us for this amazing journey of healing circles, where we will meet weekly for a powerful 2-3 hour channeled transmission and healing. 

Lemurian Healing Circles Are 2X Monthly Sacred Gatherings Where You Will Be Able to Receive Powerful Channeled Guidance, Deep Spiritual Healing, Illumination of Your Light Body and Activation of Your Highest Timeline in Life.

Be safe held within a sacred space created by Lemurian Healers & Ascended Masters

I was told that while many of us have done a lot of work in the recent years and have shed many layers of the karmic past, the last layers of reside remain and it is essential that we now release these layers and step fully into our illuminated light and manifest our highest timeline that is in perfect resonance with our true spiritual gifts and capacities.

You might have noticed how certain areas of your life seems absolutely aligned and this is where you are truly thriving, however there are also areas of life where things don’t feel aligned. You know you are meant to exist in a different reality, but you just don’t know exactly how to get there. 

With the help of the Lemurian Family & Ascended Master, we will create a high vibrational field of light that will help you shift the final stagnant energy on a cellular level, as well as the level of your soul. The light will push out the blockages and the light will start flowing in abundance, opening doors to numerous possibilities for your personal life and your spiritual path.

Channeled Messages & Deep Healing Meditations and Activations

Channeled Healing Circles with Lemurian Healers and Ascended Masters will unfold in a form of channeled messages, transmissions and deeply healing meditations. Different Ascended Masters and Lemurian Healers will step forward in each of the sessions, and we will receive impactful messages, guidance, deep healing and support to activate the totality of our light. 

Our family of light will help us create hermetically sealed energetic reality, where we will be able to access and embody higher frequencies and codes, which will in turn help us heal and fortify our light bodies. This will lead to tremendous transformation and activation of each participant. 

Creating One Unified Field of Your Highest Possible Reality

When I received this important guidance about the Channeled Healing Circles, the Spirit talked about the split in realities we experience especially when we return to our day to day life activates after intense workshops, courses, retreats or simply daily meditations.

The moment we return to our daily reality, our old programming gets activated and it becomes very hard to hold the higher vibration. If we carry unresolved wounding, this makes us susceptible to lower frequency energies, which in turn pulls us into denser and denser realities, until we feel completely depleted of energy. The key is to heal on the deepest level, release things that we are holing onto that are beyond our conscious understanding, bring back the totality of our soul’s light and become the true creators of our own realities. 

Everything in creation is a game of vibration and frequency. Lower vibrations create dense and heavy experiences. Higher vibrations create lighter, more fluid and expansive experiences. As souls we needed lower vibrational experiences as a part of our evolution, but now the time has come to break free from living in such intense state of polarity and density, raise our frequencies and live our lives in the physical as expansions of our soul’s light.

Are you being called to Lemurian Healing Circles?

The channeled healing circles are meant for anyone that wants to experience deep healing and transformation in any area of their life. The unresolved patterns and traumas manifest in many different ways in different areas of our lives, keeping us stuck in old realities, seemingly unable to move forward.

When, where & how?

The Channeled Healing Circles will take place twice a month, for a duration of 2,5 hours. At the beginning of each session, a channeling and transmission will take place. There will be an important message for the group and individuals, followed up by healing techniques and practices that you can then do in your daily life.

The sessions will take place every second Saturday at 7am CET. The sessions will take place over zoom. After the session you will be send the recording.

Where to book?

The healing circles form each month. You can book only one month, or chose the Healing Circles to be part of your ongoing journey. Monthly price is 88eur (for two workshops). 

The difference between Healing circles and any other work that I offer is that these circles will be greatly focused on channeling healing energies needed to experience profound shifts. You will get to experience Lemurian healing energies, connection with your own Teachers, connection with your own ‘Master Self’ and much, much more! 

about your host

Teja Wood

Teja Wood is a founder of Soul Calling Academy, an online platform of ancient wisdom for modern times. The academy is a meeting point for many like-minded people from all over the world, seeking the path of spiritual empowerment and deeper soul alignment.

Teja has worked with thousands of people over the last 20+ years, helping them navigate their sacred journeys. She has co-founded Soul Calling Academy with her partner Jeran Meah. Together, they create transformational materials, certification courses and retreats around the world, with a shared vision to support awakening of the higher consciousness of humanity.

Teja is also a mum to a cheeky 8-year old boy and a spoodle name Ruby. Originally from Slovenia (Europe), now she resides in Australia by the ocean with her family.