join us for our brand new training

Awakening to Sacred Relationships

A 12-week journey into the art of sacred relationship embodiment with your hosts Teja Wood & Jeran Meah.

Transcend old relationship patterns of the past to make true soul-aligned connections

Something Magical Is Happening in The World…

Are You Ready To Attract Your Soul-Aligned Soulmate?

Sacred Relationships: A Soul-Aligned Connection That Serves a Higher Purpose

Sacred relationships are when two people come together in a way that feels deeply meaningful and spiritually significant. This type of relationship goes beyond the surface level of physical attraction or the practicalities of daily life. It goes beyond the echoes of our past, the mirroring of our childhood wounds or the karma and past life entanglements that have played out over many lifetimes.

A sacred relationship requires both individuals to delve into deeper aspects of their being, by undergoing a process of healing and activating their higher chakra energies. This leads to a higher vibrational match and profound soul compatibility, forming a connection that serves a higher purpose.

Sacred Soulmate Relationships Are Our Divine Purpose, Yet Many People Experience Unhealthy And Toxic Relationships.

The reason for this is that people haven’t yet freed themselves from old toxic patterns that are often related to an individual’s earliest childhood experiences as well as any unresolved past life issues. Without working through these layers of conditioning, we can unknowingly be preventing ourselves from attracting a beautiful soul-aligned partnership and instead stay stuck in a repetitive pattern of unfulfilling and sometimes even toxic relationships without knowing how to get out!

It all comes down to deep inner transformational work and energy healing work to release those old blockages and create the spaces for new things to manifest in our practical reality!

These Unresolved Issues Most Commonly Show Up As The Following:

Growing up in a dysfunctional environment can wire your subconscious mind to seek out negativity in your relationships. As a result, you may find yourself attracted to individuals who are not good for you.

As you were growing up, you might have found yourself influenced by societal expectations about the qualities a partner must have. Rather than following what feels right, you seek a specific ‘type.’

You find yourself trapped in a cycle of unhealthy relationships, encountering the same dynamics repeatedly. This leaves you disillusioned and doubtful that a relationship can bring you happiness.

Low self-esteem can make it extremely challenging to say no and express your true needs. You might become a people-pleaser, striving to meet others’ expectations to feel loved and avoid rejection.

If you’ve experienced mistreatment in your relationships, you might feel victimised and powerless to change your situation. Even when someone is not treating you well, you feel powerless to do anything about it.

Relationships serve a distinct purpose. Some are meant for learning, others for resolving karmic bonds, and others present growth opportunities. Mastering these intricate relationship dynamics is essential for attracting genuine soulmate connections.

Many people miss the chance for a truly fulfilling relationship by clinging to things out of fear of being alone. This fear keeps them trapped in unsatisfying relationships.

If you’ve endured significant heartache in the past, you might feel completely disillusioned by relationships. To protect yourself, you keep your heart closed and don’t let anyone get close.

You’ll be drawn towards souls with whom you have unresolved karma. Various scenarios will unfold in these encounters, requiring you to overcome important lessons to reclaim your power.

You might not understand that your experience in intimate relationships has nothing to do with ‘luck’. It involves your deep subconscious wiring, which has mainly happened in your childhood and through your earliest experiences. It is in your early childhood that you become wired for drama and trauma or harmony and balance, and you tend to attract people through your life who match that deep subconscious wiring!

To put it differently, if you often find yourself in push-and-pull scenarios in your relationships, where you might be chasing a person who is not available, be stuck in an unhealthy relationship dynamic or simply feel as if you don’t have any luck when it comes to relationships, the reason for this might be in your unresolved childhood trauma or even past life trauma.

Unless you address this strategically and systematically, you will likely spend your life experiencing similar repetitive patterns, and eventually, you will give up on love!

Of course, this doesn’t need to be so!

We live in a time when we can learn to transcend old, toxic, repetitive patterns that date back to our childhood or even past lives, allowing a new form of relationships to manifest.

Sacred Soulmate Relationships represent the next stage in our spiritual journey, and we can manifest them in our lives if we want!

Once you learn how to attract such a relationship into your life (through deep inner transformational work), your life will change in ways you can not imagine! Not only will you experience deep personal happiness and fulfilment, but through a sacred soulmate relationship, you will also experience profound spiritual acceleration and activation of your spiritual gifts, allowing you to embody your divine purpose in a much more potent way!


The Sacred Soulmate Relationship Training

A 3-step formula that will help you rewire for truly aligned relationships!

The Formula Includes 3 Steps:

1. Rewiring the subconscious
2. Mastering inner polarity of the feminine and masculine,
3. Embodying your true authentic nature, deep resonance work with your true soulmate.

This training was designed based on the blueprint I used to find my soulmate: transcending the old relationship paradigms and embodying this new way of being and existing, and I can not wait to share this deeply transformational work with you!

master your relationships once and for all!

Overview Of The Training

module 1

Recognise & Clear Old Relationship Wiring

In the first month of our training together, we will work through identifying and clearing the old relationship paradigm that has manifested as your deep subconscious wiring.

You will get the chance to work through any recognise your childhood wiring, the wiring of your feminine and masculine energies, your individual attachment style and much more. You will get the chance to look at any past life energies and relationship karma, as well as heal any ancestral trauma when it comes to relationships. You will also work through deprogramming yourself from the collective programming, especially when it comes to your inner feminine and masculine energies. We will wrap up this module with understanding of the 3 main types of relationship contracts and how depending on your individual wiring, you activate each of the types.

The first module is designed as a journey of deep healing your old patterns and creating space for a brand new realities to emerge.

module 2

Activating Sacred Feminine and Masculine Energies

In the second module you will get the chance to dive deep into the topic of relationships. You will learn about the 4 main circles of relationships (relationship with the self, intimate relationship, with people closes to you and the world).

You will get the chance to redefine those 4 types of energy exchange with the help of the 7 chakra system. As you start to bring higher energies into your energy exchange and dynamics with others, your life begins to change. You will be taken on a journey from shadow feminine and masculine archetypes, to truly sacred energies that represent the embodiment of your authentic nature. In this way you will learn how to become fully embodied in your own self and in all of your interactions with others. It is about becoming present, empowered and soul-aligned in all of your choices.

module 3

Sacred Soulmate Relationship Embodiment

The final module of this training is designed to help you understand the embodiment of a new sacred relationship template on a most practical level.

Essentially, it is not about trying to find ‘the one’ out there, it is all about aligning with your higher purpose and through the inner marriage of sacred feminine and masculine, becoming the vibrational match for your true soul companion. Once you heal your trauma from your system and you learn your lessons, you are ready for a different type of relationship that is focused on spiritual growth, spiritual compatibility and spiritual service. As you learn to activate the portal of your heart, you will be naturally calling in your sacred soulmate connections with your soul family, and this includes your soul tribe as well as your sacred soulmate partner. The purpose of sacred soulmates relationships is to embody a life of higher purpose and spiritual service. By brining your energies together, you create pathways for the awakening of humanity’s collective consciousness.

Could This Be The Training You Have Been Waiting For?

This Training Has Been Designed For Anyone Who Has A Deep Desire To Create A Sacred Connection In Their Own Life, Despite Their Relationship Status.

Is This You?

You are single, have had a series of dysfunctional relationships .

The past experiences have somehow left you feeling hopeless for any positive change. You desire a beautiful soul connection but don’t even know where to start. Maybe you are hoping to get lucky (without needing to put any work into it)?

You are single, you have tried everything but nothing seems to work.

Maybe you keep attracting the wrong people. You are ready to put all the necessary work in so you can be in resonance with that amazing soul connection you have been yearning for.

You have outgrown your current relationship and you are ready to move on.

You are yearning for deeper spiritual connection and you need all the clarity and understanding you can get to move towards a truly spiritual connection, starting with relationship with yourself.

you are in a relationship and you both want to take your relationship to the next level.

Both are ready to transform your challenges into beautiful gifts and learn how to bring your energies together and co-create new realities and manifest the true purpose and potential of your sacred connection.

don’t miss this amazing opportunity

This Is What Is Included

12 x pre-recorded sessions that will be released on Mondays.

So that you can achieve this outcome. Explain what they will learn and the tools they will receive in order to do it.

weekly 2-3 hour live q&a

So that you can achieve this outcome. Explain what they will learn and the tools they will receive in order to do it.


So that you can achieve this outcome. Explain what they will learn and the tools they will receive in order to do it.

Library of guided meditations

Designed for each of the modules to help you embody the materials.

private online community

Offering ongoing support and community connection

life-long access to all materials

This includes all updates and all updated live sessions and Q&A library.

wait, there is more!

Empowering Bonuses!

Bonus 1

The Art of Healing Boundaries

Many people that suffer from relationship issues don’t know how to set up boundaries in a healthy and effective way. This is one of the main reasons why they keep attracting similar type of scenarios into their life, and are seemingly unable to break free from them!

Bonus 2

Soul-Aligned Decision Making

Many people that suffer from relationship issues don’t know how to set up boundaries in a healthy and effective way. This is one of the main reasons why they keep attracting similar type of scenarios into their life, and are seemingly unable to break free from them!

Yes, I WantTo Join Sacred Soulmate Relationships Training!

Join Us And Experience A Most Powerful Transformation!

It is time to break the old repetitive cycle! Sacred soulmates are now being called to come together and fulfill their unique spiritual mission. The time of karmic soulmates is over. A new time has arrived that offers amazing new opportunities – all we need to do is act on it!

If you have been called to the path of sacred relationships, you know it in your heart. For a very long time, you had a deep yearning in your heart to connect with your true soulmate in a most sacred way. You could feel them, their energy, their essence and it is now time to bring this into your reality! 

And it is now time to make it all a reality! Welcome to Sacred Soulmate Relationships Training!

teja Wood & Jeran Meah

About Your Mentors

Teja Wood is a founder of Soul Calling Academy, an online platform of ancient wisdom for modern times. The academy is a meeting point for many like-minded people from all over the world, seeking the path of spiritual empowerment and deeper soul alignment.

Teja has worked with thousands of people over the last 20+ years, helping them navigate their sacred journeys. She has co-founded Soul Calling Academy with her partner Jeran Meah. Together, they create transformational materials, certification courses and retreats around the world, with a shared vision to support awakening of the higher consciousness of humanity.

Teja is also a mum to a cheeky 8-year old boy and a spoodle name Ruby. Originally from Slovenia (Europe), now she resides in Australia by the ocean with her family.

Jeran has been on his own spiritual journey for the last 12 years, exploring the principles higher consciousness living while going beyond the typical matrix reality mindset. On his journey he has learned extremely valuable lessons, especially when it comes to going beyond the shadow feminine and masculine energies that are so prevalent in our world, and instead embodying authenticity, truth and balance of the sacred masculine.

He has met Teja through a set of synchronicities that turned a completely random chance meeting through social media into a friendship that eventually led to a true sacred soulmate relationship.

Jeran has joined Soul Calling Academy in 2023 and has played an integral role in anchoring the vision of Soul Calling Academy, as well as co-creating with Teja empowering and deeply transformational materials covering different areas of personal and spiritual development.

once in a lifetime opportunity

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Frequently Asked Questions

what happens when i sign up?

Immediately after you sign up, you will receive a conformation email, outlining how to access the materials inside of our learning platform

what is the time commitment?

I would suggest allocating some time daily just for your spiritual practice. It is important to understand that while the materials offered in this training are simple to understand, it is about putting it into practice. So you will need 2-3 hours weekly to do all the exercises, and possibly a daily meditation and self-reflection practice.

how are the courses delivered?

Our courses are primarily released in video format, with carefully designed slides to enhance your learning experience (this is especially suitable for visual learners). Weekly live Q&A is done over zoom and recording is uploaded to our membership area.

what about technical requirements?

You need a smart phone, tablet or computer to access the materials. A working high-speed internet connection is also recommended.

how long will i have access to the course?

You have a life-time access to this training. You can revisit it whenever you want, and go through the materials again and again. You will also have access to all the updated versions of this program.

what about refunds?

Due to the digital nature of this product, all purchases are final and there are no refunds available. However, if you change your mind, you have 48 hours to ask for the refund and we will refund your purchase 100% no questions asked. After this period, no refunds are available. Sorry 🙂

what about time frame of each module?

You can follow the the 1-module/week template originally designed for this training, or you can take more time if needed. Many of our students also keep revisiting the same materials again and again.

i am on a tight budget but i really want to join!

There are always payment plans available for each of the trainings. You can pay in full or chose instalments. If you would prefer a different plan, send us an email at

any other questions?

Send us an email at and we will get back to you asap!

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