the soul calling academy presents:

Sacred Relationships Formula

by teja wood & jeran meah

Sacred relationships are direct portals to our spiritual awakening and deep healing, through which we activate the divine feminine and masculine energies within as well as in the unified field of our relationship. Through this powerful alchemical process we begin to embody a true purpose of the sacred relationship union that is bigger than individual identities, and instead is focused on the service to the world.

yes, I am ready!

My dear soul traveller,

This is your invitation to the 3-month journey into the heart of the sacred relationships, where you will get the opportunity to work through any blocks and wounds when it comes to relationships, childhood trauma, karmic attachments and much more, in order to create the space and resonance for your sacred partnership to manifest in the physical world. The way this might occur is by creating space for a completely new person, or experiencing a profound rebirth and transformation of your existing relationship.

Sacred relationships are gifts to the world, as they embody true love and soul connection, and through their service they facilitate powerful change in many different ways.

wherever you are in your relationship journey, we have got you covered!

Is this training for you?

  • You are single, have had a series of dysfunctional relationships in the past that have somehow left you feeling hopeless for any positive change. You desire a beautiful soul-connection, but don’t even know where to start. Maybe you are hoping you will simply get lucky and all will be well (without you needing to put any work into it)?
  • Or maybe you are single and you have tried it all, and now are ready to put all the necessary work into it, so you can be in resonance with that amazing soul connection you have been yearning for all your life.
  • Or maybe you are in a relationship that you have outgrown and are ready to move on with clarity and deep understanding of what it is that your soul is truly guiding you towards?
  • Maybe you are in a relationship, and both you and your partner want to take your relationship on the next level by transforming your challenges and learning how to co-create using your true gifts and following the true purpose of your relationship.

Even with very positive relationships, there is always space for growth and the more you learn to grow together and co-create realities, the more your relationship will blossom. Eventually, your relationship will become the greater blessing in your life.

In this training we will show you how you can go from not having a relationship, or being stuck in not that great relationships, not only to good relationships, but to thriving soul-aligned relationships that are based on personal wholeness and holistically support each person on a deep soul level. 

reserve my spot!

How to know that you have been called to a sacred relationship?

  • You are single, have had a series of dysfunctional relationships in the past that have somehow left you feeling hopeless for any positive change. You desire a beautiful soul-connection, but don’t even know where to start. Maybe you are hoping you will simply get lucky and all will be well (without you needing to put any work into it)?
  • Or maybe you are single and you have tried it all, and now are ready to put all the necessary work into it, so you can be in resonance with that amazing soul connection you have been yearning for all your life.
  • Or maybe you are in a relationship that you have outgrown and are ready to move on with clarity and deep understanding of what it is that your soul is truly guiding you towards?
  • Maybe you are in a relationship, and both you and your partner want to take your relationship on the next level by transforming your challenges and learning how to co-create using your true gifts and following the true purpose of your relationship.
reserve my spot!

The true purpose of this connection goes beyond any romantic desires and yearnings, it goes beyond our individual needs, as this relationship is unique in a way that it is meant to serve the greater good. It is a most wonderful connection with another soul, who resonates with you and all of your dreams on a very deep and profound level, but in order for that person to enter your life, you need to prepare physically, emotionally, mentally and spiritually. 

In the sacred relationship, there is still a lot of space for romance and all the exciting things, but however the dominant drive for the relationship is the soul’s evolution, growth, expansions of gifts and co-creating important projects for the world.

When you feel a calling to a sacred relationship, there is no coincidence. In fact, your soul has been preparing for this sacred connection for a very long time, through various experiences in this and any other lifetime. 

reserve my spot!

Sacred relationships are the highest form of relationships, and they directly relate to the soul’s level of maturity.

While all of us yearn for this sense of unconditional love, deep connection and soul union, as this is our birthright, the truth is that we need to prepare ourselves for such union. Most of us carry deep childhood wounds and karmic entanglements that need to be cleared out before we can manifest sacred relationships in our life. 

Majority of people are experiencing trauma based relationships that can also be called ‘learning relationships’ as well as karmic relationships. These types of relationships can be extremely painful or very enjoyable, the one thing they have in common is that they represent only a step in our growth and maturity, and once the purpose for this relationship has been completed, the connection will cease in one way or another.

We can have many different learning and karmic relationships through many different lifetimes, and they all help us resolve deep inner conflicts, heal and grow as souls. Once we reach our maturity which is often directly connected with our spiritual awakening journey, a deep yearning for soul-based relationship emerges.

Suddenly, we are not interested in superficial things anymore. We want nothing more but a connection that is real, solid and peaceful. A person who can feel us on a deeper level and knows our soul. We start to remember a special soul, a unique energy that has always been a part of our heart. 

Your sacred partner is a soul that you have known for eons of time. 

They are part of your soul’s family and your soul’s tribe. You recognise them not necessarily by their face or who they are in their human form, but by their energetic signature. Something feels unbelievably familiar and the more you open your heart to them, the more you begin to remember.  You start remembering them, their soul, their energy and the work you are meant to do together in this lifetime.

When the time is right, through divine synchronicity, you will meet them and embark on a journey like no other.

A long, long time ago, humanity existed in sacred unions, with our sacred partners in sacred tribes. We embodied the perfect balance of the sacred feminine and masculine energies, and therefore our world was in harmony, filled with abundance and higher consciousness.

After the fall of consciousness, we entered a wheel of karma, where trauma and unhealed wounds resulted in distorted karmic energies repeating again and again, through generations and lifetimes, creating havoc in this world. In today’s modern world, many people are disconnected from their true spiritual essence and the truths of Life.

It is time to change that. We have now arrived at the point in our evolution where there is an urgent need for true soul-mates and soul-tribes to reunite. More and more of us are remembering the truth of who we are and our true purpose, we are embodying the sacredness of feminine and masculine, and through our connections, we can anchor a new grid of higher energies and consciousness. A new world is being born and we are called to carry out this sacred mission to find alignment in all areas of our own life.

When the time is right, through divine synchronicity, you will meet them and embark on a journey like no other

reserve my spot!

Sacred partners are called to fulfill unique missions. 

As you come together with your sacred partner, you will start weaving true magic into being. This might manifest itself in many different ways, such as your family and home, your business, your health and vitality and much much more. Whatever you will create with your sacred partner and through your sacred union, will serve a greater purpose. Through your example, you will lead.

Soulmate relationships are here to embody many different soul contracts and assignments, such as starting powerful and impactful projects, sharing spiritual wisdom, embodying and facilitating deep healing work, writing books, creating sustainable businesses, having families and much, much more.

reserve my spot!

You are now called to embody a sacred soulmate relationship in your life through this 3-month journey! 

  • There are 3 stages to this training where you will rewire yourself and come into resonance with the true energies of the heart. First of all, you will embark on the journey of self-love and healing relationship with yourself, so your heart can open. Through softening of your heart, old energies will be released and it is through your softness that you will find your true power. The heart asks of us to let go of of all battles, internal and external, and allow the light and intelligence of the heart to lead.
  • Secondly, you will embrace the path of the sacred union and work through different layers of how you relate to others in your relationships. You will recognise any unmet childhood needs and traumas, distorted expectations and perceptions, clear your heart and your whole being of the old patterns and enter the space of resonance that is needed for sacred union.
  • The third step is about dreaming new reality into being. By bringing your energies together with your sacred partner, you can create true magic in the world. 

Through this training, you will learn to embrace relationships and start seeing them as a most beautiful place of growth and abundance. In-depth practices of clearing and alignment will help you let go of all the past experiences and distortions. 

You will learn to become your absolute true authentic self, use your voice and communicate your truth. Instead of hoping and wishing that love will come from the outside, you will heal your own heart and create the authenticity and alignment needed for true soul companions to join you on your sacred journey.

reserve my spot!

Overview of the training

3-month journey over 3 modules that will change everything you know about relationships, and put you on a path of deep alignment with your soul and your sacred partner. Through resonance, beautiful things will start manifesting in your life. 

Module 1: The Sacred Relationships Formula

  • What is the sacred soulmate formula & why is it essential to the upcoming times 
  • 3 types of relationships and 3 stages of development
  • Everything about karmic relationships and how to transcend them (past life karma, ancestral karma)
  • Everything about ‘learning relationships’ and how to transcend them (archetypal stages of ‘typical relationship’, identifying and working through them)
  • The 3 stages to activating Sacred Soulmate relationships in your life
  • Healing distorted relationship templates through self-love and advanced energy practices (breaking old contracts, soul retrieval, breaking from ancestral karma, clearing and healing past life patterns)

Module 3: Manifesting Sacred Relationship in  your Life 

  • Calling in your true soulmate energy for co-creation and true love
  • The unique frequency signature and purpose of your soulmate connection
  • Abundance through sacred relationships and spiritual service
  • Collective anchoring of sacred codes
  • Sacred soulmate grid work & collective polarity balancing 

Module 2: The Sacred Soulmate Alignment

  • Sacred soulmates vs. typical soulmates (differences in soul journey, parallel soul mission, re-union only when we are ready)
  • Types of sacred soulmate contracts (visionary, family, healing,…)
  • 7-chakra alignment and in depth practices for each chakra to create alignment 
  • Transforming old relationships, activating new relationships
  • Calling in sacred relationships: intimate, friendship, work co-creation, soul tribe
once-in-a-lifetime opportunity

This is what is included:

pre-recorded sessions

12 x pre-recorded sessions that will be released on Mondays.

weekly 2-3 hour live q&a

12 x Live Q&A 2-3 hour sessions over zoom with Teja and Jeran.


A workbook with essential exercises will be provided for each module with weekly practical assignments.

Library of guided meditations

Designed for each of the modules to help you embody the materials.

private online community

Offering ongoing support and community connection

Still undecided? What it comes down to in the end is what kind of life you want to be living … 

Your own reality is always a result of the choices you made in the past. The more you learn to make choices that are based on your soul’s guidance and highest calling, the more everything in your life will start falling into place in a most magical way, while enabling you to live a life of abundance and wellbeing.

When you take this training (and implement everything you will learn in this training) you can imagine a life where:

  • You wake up in the morning, super excited about your day ahead. In fact, sometimes you can’t even fall asleep in the evening because you are so excited about all the things you will be doing the next day (this has happened to me many times!)
  • You are making a comfortable living by doing the thing you love the most – using your spiritual gifts and sharing them with others!
  • You feel deeply aligned with everything in your life, at peace, centered and grounded – you know you are on the right path, without ever second-guessing yourself again.
reserve my spot!
Teja Wood & Jeran Meah

About your mentors

I’m ready!
once-in-a-lifetime opportunity

Payment options


Pay in full

Maecenas sed diam eget risus varius blandit sit amet non magna. Maecenas faucibus mollis interdum.

  • This thing
  • Another thing
  • Also included
  • Final thing




Payment plan

Maecenas sed diam eget risus varius blandit sit amet non magna. Maecenas faucibus mollis interdum.

  • This thing
  • Another thing
  • Also included
  • Final thing



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Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Duis et aliquam arcu, sit amet convallis augue. Nulla congue lorem est, eu interdum magna rhoncus eu. Nullam vulputate gravida accumsan. Quisque mattis bibendum ligula in egestas. Aliquam at tempus purus. Integer sit amet ex velit. Integer hendrerit lectus odio, ut laoreet ligula.

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Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Duis et aliquam arcu, sit amet convallis augue. Nulla congue lorem est, eu interdum magna rhoncus eu. Nullam vulputate gravida accumsan. Quisque mattis bibendum ligula in egestas. Aliquam at tempus purus. Integer sit amet ex velit. Integer hendrerit lectus odio, ut laoreet ligula.

I’m ready!