Are You Ready To Activate Your Intuitive Powers?

join us for our brand new training

Awaken Your Intuitive Powers

by teja wood & jeran meah

The 4-step formula to activate your intuition, so you can fast track your path to success in your personal and professional life! By removing the intuition blocks, you will find deep inner clarity and alignment with your soul and your true purpose in all areas of your life. With the help of your intuition fully activated you will learn to flow with life instead of trying to fight against the natural order of things! 

Imagine what it would be like …

Always Making The Right Choices With The Help Of Your Intuition.

Imagine waking up in the morning, feeling inspired about your day and knowing exactly what the next step is – simply because you have mastered the art of using intuition in your day-to-day decision making. Remember those days when your life felt stuck and heavy, and when you didn’t know what to do next? You knew your life was meant for bigger and better things, but you simply didn’t know how to get there!

Now, fast forward to when you sign up for this training and master what I will share with you. Suddenly, your life doesn’t feel stuck anymore. Instead, your life is filled with wonderful people, you feel great about yourself, you know exactly what you are meant to be doing in your personal and professional life. No more confusion, only clarity, passion and enthusiasm. Life suddenly feels so different!

The best part? You don’t have to do it all alone! 
isn’t it time that things started falling into place for you?

Create the life of your soul’s true calling by using our 4-step ICAflow formula.

Master the art of making soul-aligned decisions!

this is when everything in your life will start falling into place for you

It is time to stop:

  • Making poor decisions that lead to poor outcomes.
    Intuition is your greatest ally in life. The only way to create a truly successful and abundant life for yourself is by listening to the guidance of your intuition. Poor choices are always the result of not following your own higher wisdom.
  • Listening to other people’s opinions.
    Your intuition always knows best. Learn to trust your intuitive guidance and you will always be on track with your life!
  • Wasting time on things that are not meant for you.
    With the help of intuition you will quickly recognise what is truly good for you and what isn’t. In this way, you will preserve a lot of precious time and energy, and only invest yourself in things that are truly meant for you and are truly good for you.

And instead start:

  • Feeling empowered and confident in all your decisions.
    You know best. Your intuition knows best. Once you fully activate your intuition, you will feel fully confident about your path in life. Even when things don’t seem logical, your intuition will guide you along the shortest path to success and happiness in your life.
  • Prioritise making your dreams a reality.
    Whatever you have been wishing for and yearning in your heart, your intuition will guide you towards all those things that are truly right for you. Your highest priority in life is to fulfil your true life purpose. In order to do that you need to put your intuition first.
  • Living the life of your purpose and true calling.
    You were born with a unique purpose and your intuition is there to guide you along this path in your personal and professional life. Activating your intuition will help you find your true path in life.

Boldly Step Into The Life You Were Truly Meant To Live!

When your decisions in day to day life are based on the collective programming, you are following somebody else’s ideas about what your life should be about. This will never bring you lasting happiness or success. The only way to create real, long-lasting and sustainable success in life is by going within, reconnecting with your soul and following your soul’s guidance. This is the only way to be following the path that was truly meant for you.

When you activate your intuition, you will see very clearly what is right for you, and what isn’t. With this new-found clarity it will be much easier to make important life-decisions, even those that might completely change the course of your life.

master your unique intuitive language

By The End Of This Training You Can Expect To:

weekly pre-recorded action based lessons + weekly live masterminds

Overview Of The Training


Intuition your greatest superpower
Removing blocks to intuition
Intuitive mindset & how to master it
Soul contracts & your unique type
Collective & individual spiritual awakening
The ICAflow formula

The introductory module will offer all the foundations you need to know and master when you start opening up intuitively. The key is to open up intuition, but in a grounded and empowered way.

ICAflow – Identify

The importance of the 1st step of ICAflow formula
Identifying and working with blocks to intuition
Different techniques for identifying your limiting core beliefs
Aligning your mindset with your intuition

The first module of this training is all about identifying what is actually stopping you from living your life in 100% alignment with your intuition. You will learn different techniques of how to find and identify any blocks. These blocks are the same blocks that are standing in your way to abundance in all forms!

ICAflow – Clear

The importance of clearing blocks to intution
5 main techniques to identify and clear any block
Core belief work through the 7 chakras
Developing spiritually abundant mindset

The second module of this training will introduce empowering techniques to clear any block to intuition. You will learn how to work with the chakra system, remove blockages and create energetic flow, which in turn will enable the flow of intuitive information. A very empowering module where you will also learn about the true abundance that is available to all!

ICAflow – Activate

The 5 main ways how intuition shows up in your life
Going beyond the 4 types of intuition and instead activating the 7 levels of intuition
Working with different sources of information (spirit guides, your own soul + higher self, angels, ascended masters, the source energy)
Energy protection and grounding for intuitive work

The third module of this training is where you will learn to truly open up your intuitive channels and start connecting with higher guidance. While you might have already done that in the past, through this training you will learn to become fully intuitive, all the time (and not just occasionally). You will also learn the essential principles of grounding and protection.

ICAflow – Flow

Living your life intuitively and in flow with what is truly right for you
Using intuition in different areas of your life (romantic relationships, work and career, home and family, health and vitality)
Activating intuitive flow by using the 3-step intuitive formula
Mastering the Law of resonance for manifesting your best life

The final module will take you on a journey of creating a true intuitive flow. You will be using a 3-step intuition formula to understand how to use intuitive guidance in each area of your life. We will wrap up this module with the law of resonance that will teach you how to manifest everything in your life through resonance and alignment. In this way, you will always be attracting things that are truly right for you.

don’t miss this amazing opportunity

This Is What Is Included

12 x pre-recorded sessions that will be released on Mondays.

So that you can achieve this outcome. Explain what they will learn and the tools they will receive in order to do it.

weekly 2-3 hour live q&a

So that you can achieve this outcome. Explain what they will learn and the tools they will receive in order to do it.


So that you can achieve this outcome. Explain what they will learn and the tools they will receive in order to do it.

Library of guided meditations

Designed for each of the modules to help you embody the materials.

private online community

Offering ongoing support and community connection

life-long access to all materials

This includes all updates and all updated live sessions and Q&A library.

wait, there is more!

Including Amazing Bonuses!

bonus 1:
intuition and life purpose workshop
bonus 2:
intuition in soulmate relationships workshop
bonus 3:
awakening your intuition meditation suite

Is This Training For You?

  • Do you feel deep yearning in your heart that your life was meant for bigger and better things?
  • Do you feel you are meant to share your gifts with the world – yet don’t know exactly where to start?
  • Do you see yourself running a successful community, a thriving business that serves people’s lives and this world in a most positive way?
  • Do you have a unique life experience or a skill set that is an answer to other people’s prayers?
  • Do you carry deep spiritual wisdom and have powerful spiritual gifts that you feel called to share with people, yet you don’t know exactly how to get in front of those people?
  • Do you have big dreams (sometimes even too big to admit out loud!), a big vision for the world, yet you lack business skills to get there? Or maybe the self-doubt has creeped in, so you started doubting yourself and all the guidance you have received?

If that is you – you have come to the right place. And let us tell you how excited we are to have you here because your life is about to change …

There is so much we want to share with you, but let’s start at the beginning and the BIG WHY we have decided to create this training.

Still Undecided? What It Comes Down to in the End Is What Kind of Life You Want to Be Living …

When you learn to make intuitively guided choices in all areas of your life, your life will undoubtedly change.
In this way, you will not be attracting situations anymore that are not meant for you. You will not be going against the natural order of trying, trying, hoping and wishing, and instead you will have all the clarity needed to live the life that is truly meant for you.

When you take this training (and implement everything you will learn in this training) you can imagine a life where:

  • You are making a comfortable living by doing the thing you love the most – using your spiritual gifts and sharing them with others!
  • You feel deeply aligned with everything in your life, at peace, centered and grounded – you know you are on the right path, without ever second-guessing yourself again.
once-in-a-lifetime opportunity

Payment options


Pay in full

Maecenas sed diam eget risus varius blandit sit amet non magna. Maecenas faucibus mollis interdum.

  • This thing
  • Another thing
  • Also included
  • Final thing




Payment plan

Maecenas sed diam eget risus varius blandit sit amet non magna. Maecenas faucibus mollis interdum.

  • This thing
  • Another thing
  • Also included
  • Final thing



about your host

Teja Wood

Teja Wood is a founder of Soul Calling Academy, an online platform of ancient wisdom for modern times. The academy is a meeting point for many like-minded people from all over the world, seeking the path of spiritual empowerment and deeper soul alignment.

Teja has worked with thousands of people over the last 20+ years, helping them navigate their sacred journeys. She has co-founded Soul Calling Academy with her partner Jeran Meah. Together, they create transformational materials, certification courses and retreats around the world, with a shared vision to support awakening of the higher consciousness of humanity.

Teja is also a mum to a cheeky 8-year old boy and a spoodle name Ruby. Originally from Slovenia (Europe), now she resides in Australia by the ocean with her family.

Frequently Asked Questions

What happens when i sign up?

Immediately after you sign up, you will receive a conformation email, outlining how to access the materials inside of our learning platform Academy.SoulCalling.com.

how long will i have access to this training?

You have a life-time access to this training. You can revisit it whenever you want, and go through the materials again and again.

what is the time commitment?

I would suggest allocating some time daily just for your spiritual practice. It is important to understand that while the materials offered in this training are simple to understand, it is about putting it into practice. So you will need 2-3 weekly to do all the exercises, and possibly a daily meditation and self-reflection practice.

when will i get access to the training?

Immediately after you sign up, you will receive a conformation email, outlining how to access the materials inside of our learning platform Academy.SoulCalling.com.

what about refunds?

Due to the digital nature of this product, all purchases are final and there are no refunds available. However, if you change your mind, you have 12 hours to ask for the refund and we will refund your purchase 100% no questions asked. After this period, no refunds are available. Sorry 🙂

how are courses delivered?

Our courses are primarily released in video format, with carefully designed slides to enhance your learning experience (this is especially suitable for visual learners.)

any other questions?

Email us at info@soulcalling.com and we will get to you asap!

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