student review

Rayleen Nelson

Teja has taught me the most important relationship is the one you have with yourself. Learning how to love yourself, all of yourself, and taking care of your needs and health is truly empowering and vital. Once you learn how to do this, only then will you have the most enlightened and loving relationships with others. This is the first step to healing!

Relationships are truly a blessing and at the same time can feel like a curse. I understand much better now. I really wish Teja Wood could teach these life lessons in public schools. Life would surely be more enjoyable being equipped with the tools we need to know how to love ourselves and others. 

Before Teja, I searched for love outside of myself.  I tried to fill the hole in my heart searching for love and acceptance from others. I sabotaged all of my relationships with these unattainable expectations I put on others; this included my parents, my children, my friends as well as partners. I didn’t love myself and didn’t know how to love myself. 

Teja magically manifested in my life in 2019. It can be difficult starting out on your spiritual journey, searching for answers and guidance, and trying to discern the truth from all the information that is readily available. Before I finished my first course with Teja, I knew she channeled nothing but the purest and highest wisdom, truth, messages and love.

I immediately resonated and trusted her teaching and guidance. Sometimes we need guidance, clarity, insight or confirmation. I have grown so much in my spiritual journey with Teja as my teacher. I excitingly sign up for her ever evolving courses. I know my journey has accelerated from her teachings as well as my confidence and ever growing love for myself too. The Universe brought Teja to my life and if you are reading this testimonial, then the same has happened for you. Welcome to the tribe, enjoy your journey to your highest potential and fulfilling your soul contract. 

Teja has taught me the most important relationship is the one you have with yourself. Learning how to love yourself, all of yourself, and taking care of your needs and health is truly empowering and vital. Once you learn how to do this, only then will you have the most enlightened and loving relationships with others. This is the first step to healing!