Through childhood trauma, past lives and ancestral trauma, the inner polarity gets kicked out of balance, creating distortions that keep manifesting themselves until you finally put a stop to it.
When you heal your inner polarity and bring your inner feminine and masculine from the shadow to the light, these two energies can return to unity and create inner marriage. It is through this inner marriage of the sacred feminine and masculine energies that your outer sacred relationship will manifest.
This is not to say that you need to be ‘perfectly healed’ to attract sacred relationship, because this is not realistic. However, you do need to reach a level of personal wholeness and energetic balance to be able to transcend the distortions and illusions, and return to the energies of your heart.
The clearing that will take place in the first part of the training will focus on healing the distortions from all the different sources (childhood, past lives, ancestral, collective) on the 7 levels of your chakras. Through this deep work, you will recognise where you have been sabotaging yourself and will get the chance to heal from deep within.
Learning to embody sacred relationships is a path that takes you back to your own heart and teaches you how to navigate your life from the intelligence of your heart. To activate your heart’s intelligence, you need to return to self-love.
Through many experiences in this and previous lifetimes, many of us have lost the sense of self-love. We do not see ourselves as worthy, valuable or loveable. This can be a conscious or subconscious pattern, and unfortunately, many people are stuck in this where they try to source love from their external world in different ways, simply because there is a sense of emptiness within themselves.
Through our work together, you will learn how to clear the distortions, illusions and stories you have been telling yourself about relationships, you will learn how to rebuild relationships with yourself from the ground up.
When your own relationship with yourself is not anchored in self-love and self-worth, you will be manifesting toxic relationships in your actual life again and again, until you heal from deep within. The journey of self-love is the journey of your inner masculine and feminine energies, where you restore the wounded parts of yourself, you recover lost pieces of your own energy and start to feel whole, complete and finally, you find peace.
This peace that passes all understanding is spiritual peace and it is a sign that you have reconnected with your soul and ignited the correct energies of your heart. Life suddenly becomes a beautiful sacred journey. Suddenly, life is filled with magical opportunities and abundance, and synchronicities are guiding your way.
True magic happens when we choose to heal from within and are willing to do the deep work required to rewire ourselves for true sacredness.
Sacred Relationships Can Only Manifest When We Are Ready.
While all of us yearn for this sense of unconditional love, deep connection and soul union, as this is our birthright, the truth is that we need to prepare ourselves for such union. Most of us carry deep childhood wounds and karmic entanglements that need to be cleared out before we can manifest sacred relationships in our life.
The majority of people are experiencing trauma-based relationships that can also be called ‘learning relationships’. These types of relationships can be extremely painful or very enjoyable, but the one thing they have in common is they represent a step in our growth and maturity. Once the purpose of this relationship has been achieved, the connection will end in one way or another.
We can have many different learning and karmic relationships through many different lifetimes, and they help us resolve deep inner conflicts. Once we reach our maturity, which is often directly connected with our spiritual awakening journey, a deep yearning for a soul-based relationship emerges.
We are no longer interested in the wants, needs and desires of our lower selves. We seek a deeper connection with a person who can connect with our soul. We start to remember a unique energy that has always been a part of our heart.
This Is When the Journey of Remembering and Awakening to Sacred Relationships Begins.
This Training Has Been Designed To Help You …
Break free from the subconscious sabotaging of relationships.
The reason for many failed relationships comes down to unresolved past life issues, ancestral karma, collective programming and unresolved childhood trauma. By working through these 4 layers you will create space for a completely new relationship dynamic to manifest in your life.
Release repetitive toxic relationship patterns & rewire yourself for healthy dynamics.
Often we get caught up in repetitive toxic patterns. This is when you keep attracting the same type of person or scenario and you might not understand why. Because of this, you might start feeling like a victim, thinking that relationship happiness is only meant for others.
Learn the art of setting healthy boundaries & being your authentic self.
Often the relationships fail because we do not know how to set healthy boundaries. You might feel uncomfortable saying no, expressing your true needs and desires and maybe feel afraid of the other person rejecting you for being your true, authentic self. You will learn how to change that, once and for all.
Learn to put yourself & your true needs first.
The key to a truly healthy and balanced life is to prioritise your true needs above any outside expectations. The more you take care of your true needs and the more you learn to follow to your own inner intuitive guidance, the more you will be on your highest path and this is where all the right things will naturally find you.
Master advanced energetic practices for soulmate manifestation.
What it all comes down to is to learn to shift your vibration towards what is in true alignment with you. We also call this vibrational resonance. This requires you to adapt advanced energetic practices and deep work to truly release the old templates and any imprints, and be in energetic flow with your highest timeline.
Through deep embodiment, manifest your sacred soulmate
This ‘coming together of energies’ can manifest itself in many different ways: you might be called to create a beautiful family and home, an impactful business, or share a powerful message with the world. The purpose of a sacred soulmate relationship is to lead others by example.
soul calling podcast with teja wood & jeran meah
PODCAST Episodes

Part 1: Intense Clearing
✓ Identifying the illusions and distortions about relationships that prevent you from finding greater alignment
✓ Past life patterns where you have given your power away and have brought about many different entanglements
✓ Repeating family and ancestral dynamics through generations and now is the time to change it once and for all
Through intense clearing practices, you will be able to recognise, heal and clear distortions in your energy system. You will learn to break karmic connections and vows, cut energetic cords and take back all of your power. You will get to experience deep work on your inner feminine and masculine energies, through energy work and archetypal storytelling, so you can understand your inner polarity and find ways to bring it into balance.

Part 3: Sacred Relationship Embodiment
✓ Practices of the inner marriage of sacred feminine and masculine energies (hieros games)
✓ Activating portal from your heart and soul to call in your sacred soulmate connection (if you are in existing relationship you will work with taking that relationship to the next level)
✓ Working with your sacred soulmate on an energetic level, anchoring new energies, grid work, sacred union
✓ Calling in your sacred tribe for co-creation
Part 2: Embodying the Sacred Relationships Alignment principles.
✓ What sacred relationships are, why they are essential to our individual and collective destiny, and how to embody them in our own lives
✓ The 5 principles of sacred relationships
✓ The 3 stages to sacred relationships
✓ Feminine and masculine archetypes of alignment
✓ Deep alignment work through the 7-chakras
✓ Understanding your unique soul contract in terms of relationships for this lifetime
The second part of this training is all about diving deep into the concept of sacred relationships and how to anchor this new paradigm in your life.

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