student review
Katarina Lotze

Teja Wood has a very high intuitive gift, imparts knowledge that is not in books and also goes with the flow teaching her groups and trainings by allowing her intuition to guide her.
In the last three years I have participated in some of Teja Wood’s courses, such as the Hero’s Journey I and II, Intuition Training, Entrepreneurship Training, Lemurian Light Healing, Portal Workshops, Archetype Training and Psychic Mediumship Training.
Teja Wood has a very high intuitive gift, imparts knowledge that is not in books and also goes with the flow teaching her groups and trainings by allowing her intuition to guide her. She taught me many important things, but the biggest breakthrough for me was, her consistent motivation to choose the highest possible version of ourselves, to recognize our soul task, not only to take our wishes and dreams seriously, but to live them and do everything necessary for this, everyday of our lives.
This also includes not letting adversity, resistance or habitual patterns stop us, but getting up again and again and continuing moving forward. Her Akashic readings and intuitive readings are of great clarity and truth and not only help to take the next steps in life – but also give a view far beyond the present moment, as well as into the past and future.
Working with Teja Wood, a modern mystic and incredibly gifted medium and channel, is invaluable and will definitely change your life for the better. I am very grateful for the time I was able to study with her. What else can I say other than I highly recommend her to any spiritual seeker who wants to reach their highest potential in life.