Are You Ready To Launch Your Soul Aligned Business?

join us for our brand new training

The Soul Calling Business Formula

A 9-month journey into the art of launching soul-aligned business with your hosts Teja Wood & Jeran Meah.

Unique business strategy that is based in soul-alignment and designed specifically for spiritual coaches, healers and spiritual entrepreneurs from all over the world!

Does This Resonate With You?

You know you have come to this world to be a beacon of light, wisdom and inspiration for others. You know this is your path.

Instead of moving forward, you are feeling confused about steps you should be taking.

People often comment on how peaceful you make them feel.

You have gone through a challenging past, and now you know exactly how to help others.

Yet you don’t know exactly how to get in front of those people?

Or maybe the self-doubt has creeped in, so you started doubting yourself and all the guidance you have received?

And let us tell you how excited we are to have you here because your life is about to change …

There is so much we want to share with you, but let’s start at the beginning and the BIG WHY we have decided to create this training.

You have been called to share your spiritual gifts with the world

The Big ‘Why’ of the Soul Calling Business Formula

this might be exactly what you have been looking for …

If You Are  Feeling Called to This Training, Know This:

It is very important to understand that this training has been designed as a very practical, hands-on experience, where you will master the art of launching and running a soul-aligned business, strategically, without overwhelm, and with all clarity needed in the next 9 months. You will however need to take this training very seriously, commit yourself to it and put in any time needed. 

We can not create your business for you, because it has to be born out of your soul-alignment – but we can do the next best thing and this is to guide you, step by step from zero to launching and running your successful soul-aligned business.

If this sounds like something you have been searching for, simply reserve your place and let’s get started!

whatever your business skills, we have got you covered!

Is This Training for You?

We have created this training for a specific group of individuals, with different levels of skills, ideas, business models and even stages of where they are in their entrepreneurial journey.

Go From Zero To Launching Successful Soul-Aligned Business.

We have created this training for a specific group of individuals, with different levels of skills, ideas, business models and even stages of where they are in their entrepreneurial journey.

Not even two people share the exact same calling. Equally important it is to understand that as a result of this, how your calling will manifest through your offerings and your work will be completely UNIQUE TO YOU. There is nobody else out there who is meant to do the things your way. Two healers are meant to do their work in a unique way to them individually, and not to try to copy or compare themselves to each other.

Uniqueness equals soul alignment and in order to help you very clear on YOUR UNIQUE CALLING we have developed a system that will help you decode your unique offering. You might have many different ideas and skills, but essentially, unless you create an offering that is truly aligned with your soul’s purpose, things will simply not fall into place for you.

There Is Logic to Every Success. We Have the Formula.

Nothing happens by chance, nothing. While success might seem like a random occurrence that happens to other people – there is a logic and science to it, and we have decoded this science and in this training we will be sharing this with you!

We will teach you how to become truly soul-aligned to the point of absolute clarity (without any excuses and avoiding things you don’t want to do). In order to do this, we will use our own unique soul-blueprint formula, paired up with intuition and strategic thinking to bring about a coherent and executable idea that truly feels right in your heart.

Once you have the clarity needed, you will learn how to use your voice in a way that is empowered and creates amazing results. It is through your voice, through your communication that you create connections with the right people who are searching for exactly what you are offering. 

The more you learn to communicate your soul-aligned ideas in all the right ways and through different media channels, the more your work will begin to thrive! We will teach you all of that and much more.

If You Have Done Any Business Training Before, You Might Already Know Some of This – However, There Is Much More to Uncover!

You might be well aware of all the moving pieces that go into running a successful business, such as social media, digital marketing, brand identity, brand voice and communication, sales pages, etc …

However without having the PROPER BUSINESS SYSTEM that is perfectly suited to your unique offering, you will quite likely be running out of steam soon enough. 

This is the cornerstone of this training; to help you create a business system and a model that works in perfect alignment with your spiritual gifts and your soul’s calling, and makes perfect sense to your lifestyle and your wellbeing, so your life can truly feel abundant in all ways possible.

Ahead of You Are 9 Core Modules That Cover Everything You Need to Know to Launch and Run a Successful Soul-Aligned Business.

These core modules are the foundations you need to know and master in order to have a thriving business that serves the world in a most meaningful way, while supporting your own wellbeing. A holistic business model, that combines spirituality, business, marketing, mindset, strategy and advanced energy work for further alignment work.

  • Lifetime access to 9 pre-recorded modules inside of each there are 4 lessons that will be released weekly
  • Each of the 36 lessons will be released on weekly basis in bite size-format, so you can easily implement it
  • Every lesson will be followed up by a weekly live 2-3 hour session with Teja & Jeran, to go through your work and advice where needed
  • Two monthly 3-hour mindset workshops (total 18 workshops over the course of 9 months) where you will get to master the essential principles of mindset work, release any blocks and subconscious limiting beliefs and learn the advanced practices of using energy and consciousness in business (very important!)
  • Library of pre-recorded meditation to support you every step of your journey (soul-alignment, nervous system healing, grounding, protection, anchoring, embodiment, higher guidance etc)
  • In-depth workbook with important practices and guidelines for every step of the way
  • Online community with daily support
  • All materials will be professionally produced and you will get lifetime access to all the materials and any updates to the training

You Will Walk Away From This Training With The Following:

Professionally designed wordpress website that communicated your unique energy and offering, as well as clear understanding of how to update and manage your website (if needed, website will be done by Teja for you once you have provided all of your content and information).

Brand visuals and brand voice, that reflects your authentic energy and is aligned with your offering (your unique fonts, colors, imaginary, videos, photos, voice style etc).
Social media template set and strategy, to nurture your connections with people and build brand awareness (you will receive a set of social media templates designed for your specific brand by Teja)
Online community platform with your soulmate clients and understanding of how to grow your community
Clear understanding and implementation of the right business model that fits your unique offering and ways of scaling your business
Understanding of different online platforms that are designed to streamline your business and save you a lot of time (and money!)
Authentic marketing principles and paid advertising to grow your business
Business automatisation, funnels and product creation that is suited exclusively to your unique offering
Membership sites  + platforms
Product creation (from idea to execution)
Website optimisation, SEO & power of blogging
 Legal templates & legal protection

And much, much more! 

This training is designed for service based businesses that work only online or in person, product based businesses as well as businesses that want to offer only pre-recorded materials in the form of audio and video recordings. 

launch your soul-aligned business

Overview Of The Training

build the foundationsa

Pre-Launch Stage

module 1
Introductory Module

✓ Conventional business vs. soul aligned business
✓ The correct use of energy
✓  Removing blocks to soul-aligned business
✓ Online business, service-based business, product type business

module 2
your unique soul’s calling

✓ Your soul’s unique gifts
✓ Your unique skill set and life skills
✓  Your unique 13-archetypal soul calling blueprint

module 3
your business model

Automated business vs. service based business
Publications etc.

module 4
your sacred offering

Defining your niche and your ideal prospect (what problem you solve and what goal you help them to achieve)
Services and programs
 Your community

module 5
your soul-aligned brand

Brand visuals (logo, fonts, colours)
Brand voice and communication style
Photography, visuals, clear imaginary

module 6
wordpress website

Professionally built WordPress site
Necessarily plugins
 Basic SEO
 Events, blog, contact forms, lead magnets etc.

module 7
Lead magnet

Ideal freebie for your audience
Lead magnet pathway and automation

module 8
the art of blOGGING

Principles of SEO blogging
Basic keyword research
 Rules for writing articles + search engine optimisation

module 9
your thriving community

Importance of raving fans and community
Ways of building a thriving community around your unique message
Dedicated community platforms
Email list building principles

module 10
membership platforms

Finding most suitable membership platform (functionality + price)
Simple product building
 Simple funnel creation

module 11
your thriving community

Importance of raving fans and community
Ways of building a thriving community around your unique message
Dedicated community platforms
Email list building principles

module 12
membership platforms

Finding most suitable membership platform (functionality + price)
Simple product building
 Simple funnel creation

build the foundationsa

Post-Launch Stage

stage 1
authentic marketing

Different ways of getting your content in front of the right people
Running free challenges, creating free downloads etc.
Advanced website SEO
Advanced blog SEO
Social media organic and paid traffic
Paid advertising options
Organic marketing – community building

stage 2
Scaling your business

Advanced funnel building and business automation
Product development
Advanced marketing and SEO

Still Undecided?

What It Comes Down to in the End Is What Kind of Life You Want to Be Living …

Your own reality is always a result of the choices you made in the past. The more you learn to make choices that are based on your soul’s guidance and highest calling, the more everything in your life will start falling into place in a most magical way, while enabling you to live a life of abundance and wellbeing.

When you take this training (and implement everything you will learn in this training) you can imagine a life where:

  • You wake up in the morning, super excited about your day ahead. In fact, sometimes you can’t even fall asleep in the evening because you are so excited about all the things you will be doing the next day (this has happened to me many times!)
  • You are making a comfortable living by doing the thing you love the most – using your spiritual gifts and sharing them with others!
  • You feel deeply aligned with everything in your life, at peace, centered and grounded – you know you are on the right path, without ever second-guessing yourself again.
don’t miss this amazing opportunity

This Is What Is Included

life-long access to all materials

You will get lifetime access to all the content, including all the actionable lessons, worksheets and video tutorials, so you can always refer back to when you want to make changes or upgrade your business.

weekly live q&a

For the duration of 36 weeks you will have access to myself and Jeran to pick our brains, ask questions and receive support in all areas of business. You can join live or watch later on the recordings.

actionable assignments

Each week we address a different aspect of soul-aligned business and it is all done through practical, action-taking steps. No theory. Just practice, and more practice. You will become a digital expert.

Library of guided meditations

Designed for each of the modules to help you embody the materials.

private online community

You will be a part of an amazing community of like-minded people who will cheer you along. Our community is also a place where you will get all your questions answered.

bi-monthly live workshop

This is where we will dive deep into the topic of alignment and mindset, as well as energy work needed to build the right foundation for your thriving soul-aligned business.

wait, there is more!

Including Amazing Bonuses!

bonus 1:
mastermind workshops 2x month
bonus 2:
Soul-Aligned vision board creation
bonus 3:
business success meditation collection
36 pre-recorded, strategically designed, action based modules ($4000 value)
36 live meetings with Teja and Jeran to address all of your questions ($4000 value)
Free wordpdress website design (template and implementation, $2500 value)
Meditation suite designed to support manifesting your vision (80$ value)
Private online community (200$ value)
Daily feedback and support (100$ value)
Mindset bi-monthly workshops (2500$)
Total: 11,130€
Regular offer: 4444

Exclusive Offer For Our Inner Circle Students:

1692 eur (188eur/month)
once in a lifetime opportunity

Join Us Now!

pay in full

Get access to all recordings.
Get access to weekly live Q&A.
Get access to guided meditation library.
Access to all future updates of this training.

payment plan

Get access to all recordings.
Get access to weekly live Q&A.
Get access to guided meditation library.
Access to all future updates of this training.

Teja Wood & Jeran Meah

About Your Mentors

Teja Wood is a founder of Soul Calling Academy, an online platform of ancient wisdom for modern times. The academy is a meeting point for many like-minded people from all over the world, seeking the path of spiritual empowerment and deeper soul alignment.

Teja has worked with thousands of people over the last 20+ years, helping them navigate their sacred journeys. She has co-founded Soul Calling Academy with her partner Jeran Meah. Together, they create transformational materials, certification courses and retreats around the world, with a shared vision to support awakening of the higher consciousness of humanity.

Teja is also a mum to a cheeky 8-year old boy and a spoodle name Ruby. Originally from Slovenia (Europe), now she resides in Australia by the ocean with her family.

Frequently Asked Questions

What happens when i sign up?

Immediately after you sign up, you will receive a conformation email, outlining how to access the materials inside of our learning platform Academy.SoulCalling.com.

how long will i have access to this training?

You have a life-time access to this training. You can revisit it whenever you want, and go through the materials again and again.

what is the time commitment?

I would suggest allocating some time daily just for your spiritual practice. It is important to understand that while the materials offered in this training are simple to understand, it is about putting it into practice. So you will need 2-3 weekly to do all the exercises, and possibly a daily meditation and self-reflection practice.

when will i get access to the training?

Immediately after you sign up, you will receive a conformation email, outlining how to access the materials inside of our learning platform Academy.SoulCalling.com.

what about refunds?

Due to the digital nature of this product, all purchases are final and there are no refunds available. However, if you change your mind, you have 12 hours to ask for the refund and we will refund your purchase 100% no questions asked. After this period, no refunds are available. Sorry 🙂

how are courses delivered?

Our courses are primarily released in video format, with carefully designed slides to enhance your learning experience (this is especially suitable for visual learners.)

any other questions?

Email us at info@soulcalling.com and we will get to you asap!

Ready To Join Us?