the soul calling

Student Directory

Browse through our student directory and find spiritual mentors in your area. Our certified students offer private sessions, mentorship programs and courses in their respective area of expertise.

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Browse Through Our Student Directory

Each of the certified spiritual coaches/intuitives/mediums listed below is a graduate of one or more of our programs that you will find inside of the Soul Calling Academy. They have trained with me personally in 24-36 month containers with weekly sessions and abundance of practice. I invite you to explore their diverse areas of speciality and locations.

  • Renata Bobnar Kamnikar

    Renata Bobnar Kamnikar

    Renata Bobnar Kamnikar is a certified intuitive, medium, spiritual coach and Lemurian Light Healing practicioner. She helps people release their blocks and move into greater alignment with their intuition.

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  • Melody Honey Odette

    Melody Honey Odette

    Melody is a certified intuitive and medium, and Lemurian Light Healing practicioner. She helps women break free from toxic enviroments, and find their true freedom.

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  • Katarina Lotze

    Katarina Lotze

    Katarina is a certified intuitive and medium, specialising in past life and akashic records readings.

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