online academy by teja Wood

Find & FulfilYour Soul’s Calling

Join thousands of people who have attended our trainings, stepped into their true purpose and are now living their soul-aligned lives filled with abundance!

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hey there,

I’m Teja!

I am a naturally born intuitive and medium, soul-alignment mentor, founder of Soul Calling and Soul Calling podcast. My calling is to support you in finding and fulfilling your soul’s true calling.
I believe we are all born with a unique purpose. The key to happiness and abundance of all areas of our life lies in following the path of that purpose. Through my work, I inspire people to release the emotional burdens that create disharmony in their lives, establish healthy energetic boundaries with others and through connecting with their heart and their soul, step onto the path of their true calling.

Soul Calling Academy has been designed as an online sanctuary of some of most powerful tools of self-mastery and deep soul-alignment, so you can start thriving in your personal and professional life one and for all!

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The Podcast

Courses & Certifications

Donec gravida odio et, a tempor tristique. Vestibulum ac nulla at nibh facilisis sagittis et orci. Nunc sollicitudin, a lorem convallis pellent mollis.

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The Podcast

Sacred Journeys & Retreats

Donec gravida odio et, a tempor tristique. Vestibulum ac nulla at nibh facilisis sagittis et orci. Nunc sollicitudin, a lorem convallis pellent mollis.

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The Podcast

1:1 Spiritual Coaching

Donec gravida odio et, a tempor tristique. Vestibulum ac nulla at nibh facilisis sagittis et orci. Nunc sollicitudin, a lorem convallis pellent mollis.

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